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"I want to save you money on plumbing repairs and give you peace of mind."

peace of mind

         No, really I do. I have seen many homeowners anguish over a plumbing project gone awry, surprised by unexpected catastrophes that eat up their savings, and frustrated at problems that won’t seem to go away.

Your home’s value can be jeopardized by hidden leaks and problems that could cost you money to repair and replace if left unnoticed or unattended. Protect your hard earned investment with these cost saving maintenance checks.

Your home can be your most valuable asset. It can gain value over time and remain a resource and refuge if taken care of properly. Keeping your home in good condition now, free from hidden leaks, will bring you peace of mind and save you the headaches and expense of major repairs later.           

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Plumbing Tips
Plumbing tips to help you save money and keep plumbing running smoothly, free from unexpected leaks.

DIY Projects
Easy DIY Projects for plumbing and remodeling your home. Video instruction to Install a shower or a pedestal sink. Save money buy doing it yourself.

Online Plumbing Help
Get online plumbing help. Ask a plumber for advise on plumbing repair and troubleshooting problems

Find A Plumbing Leak
Find a hidden plumbing leak and save money on repairs

Fix A Flapper
Is your toilet leaking. Learn to fix a flapper in your toilet.

Plumbing Directory
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